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Error while submitting InfoPath forms by another Domain users after DB consolidation


We have two AD domains available in that uses K2 ie. Domain1 and Domain2 domain. We have found an issue after K2 database consolidation was done, where the Domain2 domain users are unable to submit infopath forms in K2. When they fill all details on the form and click submit button they recieve the error as : " Error has occured while the form was being submitted". The Domain2 domain users were able to submit forms successfully before the database consolidation was done.
The Domain1 AD group users are still able to submit the forms successfully on K2.

Did the database consolidation change any security authentication for Infopath Integration?


1. When performing database consolidation, please follow the "Considerations for multiple domains" steps in the "Database Consolidation.pdf" file to maintain your multiple domain setup:

"Running the Database Consolidation tool preserves all configuration settings, but running a reconfiguration afterwards resets the Authinit and Roleinit settings. In order to recover the init settings from the legacy K2HostServer database, run the following script:

update tK2New].wHostServer].rSecurityLabel]
set AuthInit = (Select AuthInit from
K2HostServer].rHostServer].rSecurityLabel] where
RoleInit = (Select RoleInit from
K2HostServer].rHostServer].rSecurityLabel] where
where SecurityLabelName='K2'

Be sure to replace the database names with the values from your environment."

2. If this was not performed, it is likely that the K2 is no longer configured for the "Domain2" domain please re-add the necessary domain using (Option 1) via K2 Workspace > Management > tServer:Port] > User Managers > K2 > Domains

As per:

** A Restart of the K2 blackpearl service is necessary.

3. If you make use of any Smartobject that based off the "ADService2" service broker, please also update the service instance to support both domains the domain netbios and domain LDAP can be added as a semi-colon separated list, i.e:

Netbios: Domain1Domain2
LDAP: LDAP://DC=Domain1,DC=comLDAP://DC=Domain2,DC=com

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