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Every time I try to start the WF, I get the following error on the step that's creating a SharePoint folder using the SharePoint Documents wizard.

Server was unable to process request. ---> This operation can only be performed on a file "https:///MYURL]/sites/Dev//MyList]/8/6 error - test 5 8/MYDATE]" " is a folder. ---> This operation can only be performed on a file "https://{MYURL]/sites/Dev/MyList]//8/6 error - test 5 8//MYDATE]" is a folder.


The issue is related to having an illegal character in the name of the folder.


The issue was resolved when we changed the name to not contain illegal characters. The / character is an illegal character. I recommended using a rule to check if there are illegal characters in the name, and send a warning if there is.

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