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I am getting the below error when trying to deploy to k2. I have checked k2 and sharepoint permissions, rerun the registration wizard and even had other people try to deploy the kprx all with the same results. I am trying to do this through Visual Studio. Even though the workflow won't deploy, if I remove the kprx from the solution, the sodx's deploy fine. Please let me know what else you need.

Error 2 The "SourceCode.SharePoint15.DeploymentTask.Task" task failed unexpectedly.
System.Exception: Service: SharePointIntegration
Service Guid: 71810da1-81e2-4f22-8cf2-4011dacfdf42
Severity: Error
Error Message: Thread 1: Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.

InnerException Message:

at SourceCode.SharePoint15.Utilities.Common.HandleSmartObjectException(SmartObjectException smartObjectException)
at SourceCode.SharePoint15.WorkflowIntegration.WorkflowIntegrationManager.RegisterRemoteEventReceivers(String siteURL, Guid listId, String eventReceiverTypes, String remoteEventReceiverURL)
at SourceCode.SharePoint15.DeploymentTask.Task.ExecuteInternal()
at SourceCode.SharePoint15.DeploymentTask.Task.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.d__20.MoveNext()


There was an Item Added event receiver already on the library even though this is the first deployment of this process. When attempting to remove this event receiver using the "Event" management Smartobject, we were seeing the same access denied error. This site was created using content database restore from a prior Sharepoint environment with K2 integration, as such, this event receiver likely originated from this prior environment and the accounts in this current environment did not have permission to access this event receiver.


We removed this K2 Item Added event receiver using Sharepoint Manager 2013 which resolved the issue and allowed the deployment of this process.

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