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After change a password of SAP, we have the following error displaying the K2 application (RunTime):
Unable to find assembly 'svoOutilDeReferencement, version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToker=null'. Unable to find assembly 'svoOutilDeReferencement, version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToker=null'.
Source: SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client

Using K2 connect Administration tools, "K2 blackpearl settings":
SmartObject Server Exception: Error refreshing Service Instance 'ConnectService'. Service returned : 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.




 The issue could appears because the first time that you try to connect to SAP without issue (but the last one we have an issue), the system try to display the last error only for information:
Using SAP Logon we found: "Nombre tentative incorr. connection av. mote de passe : 1 (texte descr.)", but just after this popup, we can access to SAP content.





The issue was linked to the password changed.
I - In K2 connection Administration Tools,
a) Export all the "Service Object Repository" (in our case 4): For each of them, select it and click on Task/"Export Service Object" (The format will be svd)
b) Go to "Application Server"/{ServerName}, Right click on "Remove Application Instance".
c) For all the "Service Object Repository" (in our case 4), right click and choose "Remove Service Object" and click on yes to the next question.

II- In "SmartObject Service tester", go to "K2 connect Service", right click on "Connect Service for {ServerName}" and choose "Delete Service Instance"

III - Restart the windows service "K2 blackpearl Server".

IV - In K2 connection Administration Tools,
a) Click on Stop service.
b) Click on Start service.
c) For earch svd file of step Ia, click on "Add Service Object" and select the svd file.
d) click on "K2 blackpearl settings", choose your appropriate SAP Authentication (in your case "Static Credential"), and click on the label "Register Service Instance."



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