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Error when publishing ServiceObject


After upgrading to 4.6.9, I get the attached error when I try to publish a ServiceObject in Visual Studio 2012:
Could not load type 'SourceCode.Workflow.Design.EnvironmentSettingsConnection' from assembly "SourceCode.Workflow.Design"

Receive time-out error when publishing the a ServiceObject


Customer resolved the error by removing and re-installing the client tool. When installing/upgrading, we recommend copying the un-extracted installation file onto the server, extracting the files directly on the server using the "Run as administrator" option, as well as performing the installation/upgrade by running the "setup.exe" with the "Run as administrator" option.

We increased the "ServiceTimeout" key at aHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeSourceCodeconnectConfiguration] on the client tool machine to 60 sec, was previously 15 sec. When publishing a ServiceObject via Visual Studio, a restart of the K2 connect service on the server will be performed. Increasing the ServiceTimeout key allows the K2 connect service enough time to fully start up before the publishing of the ServiceObject which resolved the time-out error that they were seeing.

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