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a dependency issue appears when installing k2 black pearl server on the 64 bit operating system (windows server 2008 enterprise )

The dependant -microsoft report viwer redistributable 2005 - is not installed from the point of view of k2 installation program, although earlier i have installed reportviewer.exe and the message that appeared after installation was :"Microsoft report viewer redistributable 2008 has been successfully installed"

What went wrong and hpw to solve this problem

any body!!!


a dependency issue appears when installing k2 black pearl host server on the 64 bit operating system (windows server 2008 enterprise )

The dependant -Microsoft report viewer redistributable 2005 - is not installed from the point of view of k2 installation program.

Earlier i have installed reportviewer.exe and the message that appeared after installation was :"Microsoft report viewer redistributable 2008 has been successfully installed".

What went wrong and how to solve this problem?
