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Error when creating new application. I have a new application to create. The list is done but I'm getting an error on application creation. It's attached below. I suspect it may have to do with using too many Choice columns in the list--there are a total of 58. Error message below. Can you confirm that there's a limit on the number of choice columns (these generate SmartObjects in the list) and if so remind me of the limit? I can design around the limitation, but want to confirm this is the problem. Thanks.

String or binary data would be truncated. The data for table-valued parameter "@Control" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. SQL Server error is: 8152, state: 10 The statement has been terminated.HelpLink.ProdName : Microsoft SQL Server HelpLink.ProdVer : 12.00.0015 HelpLink.EvtSrc : MSSQLServer HelpLink.EvtID : 8152 HelpLink.BaseHelpUrl : HelpLink.LinkId : 20476 OriginalClientConnectionId : 81646051-4f9c-44c8-803c-a3365ad90226



This is by design and it exceeds the limit of 125 characters for column.



This has been identified as a bug and a ticket to addressed has been created. There is no workaround at the moment. The recommendation for now, is to use shorter property names as the buildup is what is causing the exception to be thrown. I would try < 125 characters, but I am not sure of your subdomain/domain/etc topography.

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