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Running the K2 for SP 2013 setup manager on the SharePoint box resulted in error.



A quick check of the installer trace logs turned up the following:

4:2: PatchPanel.Patch: 14:14:10:>> Logged Error: Exception while executing component: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file to update XML: C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 for SharePoint 2013 SetupConfiguration.config
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Actions.XmlUpdate.Execute(ITarget target)
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Targets.XmlTarget.Execute()
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Components.Component.Execute()
at SourceCode.SetupManager.UI.Panels.PatchPanel.Patch()

Following that up it was noticed the configuration.config file did not exist in the specified file path which it should.


Copying the K2 for SharePoint 2013 setup folder from the K2 server and pasting it into the appropriate location on the SP server ensured that all the need files were present for a successful installation on the server.


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