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Error trying to register new instances of Service Objects


Error trying to register new service instances of SQL or CRM via the BrokerManagement.exe:

- Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

- Unable to load one or more of the requested types.


I believe the BrokerManagement.exe tool is a legacy tool that is primarily used only for configuring integration with Salesforce. Instead, please try using the "Smartobject Service Tester Tool" located in the "C:Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlBin" directory.

Under the ServiceObject Explorer category, if you right click on the ServiceType that you want (CRM, SQL), a "Register ServiceInstance" option is available that will allow you create a new Service Instance for exposing the appropriate Service Objects.

Backends <-> Smartobject Server <-> Service Type/Broker (SQL,CRM,etc.) <-> Service Instance (SQLServer1, SQLServer2, CRMServer1, CRMServer2) <-> Service Object (SQLTable, SQLView, SQLStoredProcedures, CRM Entities, etc.) <-> Smartobject

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