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I try to compile a very basic K2SmartForm project (new WebApplication > add new Item > K2SmartForm > Build solution) and I have this error :

[quote user=3.6152.1.0, Culture=neutral' in project 'basicWF' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency 'Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates, Version=3.6262.1.0, Culture=neutral'.

Error: The dependency 'Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates, Version=3.6262.1.0, Culture=neutral' in project 'basicWF' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency 'Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates, Version=3.6152.1.0, Culture=neutral'.

I tried to delete the Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates.dll (version 3.6152.1.0) that is in my wwwrootprojectnamein directory but it doesn't change anything...

I have VS 2003 SP1 and Studio + SmartForms SP4 running on a Windows 2003 Server with IIS.

N.B :
I also have these warnings but it's not really a problem as it's only warnings... :
[quote user=3.6152.1.0, Culture=neutral' in project 'basicWF' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would overwrite the reference 'K2Utilities, Version=3.6262.1.0, Culture=neutral'.
I a have seen this error resolved by adding a reference to Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates.dll to the smartform project and recompiling. The dll should is located in the "c:program 2003in" directory.

I hope this helps.

This error typically means you added the reference incorrectly in your project. In Visual Studio you can add a reference in two ways: as a Project Reference and by Browsing to the DLL. If the DLL is compiled in the same solution, then you should always add the reference as a Project Reference (this is the only time that you'll have the ability to add it as a Project Reference, so a good rule of thumb is if you see it available as a Project Reference, that's how you should add it). Otherwise, add it as a file reference by browsing to the DLL.

If you have added a reference incorrectly, then assemblies that it uses will also be copied to the output directory incorrectly, and this could be the behavior you are seeing.
I a have seen this error resolved by adding a reference to Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates.dll to the smartform project and recompiling. The dll should is located in the "c:program 2003in" directory.

I hope this helps.


Thank you, it works !
I have exactly the same problem as thread starter. I only encountered this issue after I uninstalled K2 .Net Studio 2003 SP3 and installed K2 .Net Studio 2003 SP4.

I can solve this by adding a reference to Cvh_K2StudioPropertyTemplates in Visual Studio . Net 2003 as sugggested. However, I don't remember doing this when I was running on SP3. How did this problem came about and how can I resolve it so that I do not have to add a reference everytime I use K2SmartForms in VS .Net 2003?
This is actually a known issue with SP4.

You will need to replace the K2SmartForms.dll in the ..Program 2003in as well as the bin folder for the SmartForms Solution.

Please contact K2 Support to obtain the supported fix.
