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Error sending a Task




When attempting to open a Smartforms task, user is receiving the error:

24411 K2:DOMAINUsername from fIP address:Port] is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=ProcessInstanceID_ActivityInstanceDestinationID



Usually, this error would occur if the destination planning is configured for a group or if configured for more than one user, but only one slot is configured once one of the users in the destination set opens the worklist item, it becomes allocated to that user and any other user that tries to open that link will now see this error until the worklist item is released.

This worklist item will needs to be released by the user that has it open from his/her own worklist or from the global management worklist (K2 Workspace > Management > tServer:Port] > Workflow Server > Worklists.

Alternatively, different destination planning options can be configured to meet your business requirement needs if necessary. Please see the documentation below regarding advanced destination planning options:



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