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K2 BlackPearl 4.10060.1420.0

Hello, we are using K2 integrated with ASP.NET web forms. After doing an update to the web form K2 started throwing a "Root element is missing" error before even reaching the first activity. In the screenshot below it doesn't reach the "Submit Request" activity before throwing the "Root element is missing" error in the workspace.


There is no rule on the line between "Start" and "Submit Request" and there are no destination users on the first activity. The update to the form was negliable at most and should not have affected any K2 connections. I've also tried to choose an older version of the Workflow and tried re-deploying a version but the error still persists. I also cannot open the process summary by normally clicking on "Start".

Any idea on what may be causing this? Thanks in advanced.

This issue only occurs with this particular workflow.


I cannot confirm what causes this, but I've seen it many times.

Normally simply redeploying the process resolves it.

I think something breaks on deployment which breaks the kprx XML definition before it is uploaded to the K2 database.

This then throws the "root element is missing" error when the process starts.

Please redeploy your workflow and let us know as there could possibly be other factors causing the root element is missing error.


Thanks Johan, redeploying the workflow did it. Turns out that some additional properties had been added to the String Table that I did not have in my first deployment. Once I rebuilt and included the new properties, all was good.

Thanks again for your help,
