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Receiving the below error while moving the K2 process instance from one action to another. K2 workflow is being invoked from a web application by K2 API.

Error : Receive failed with error: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.


WSACancelBlockingCall errors are usually generated when a custom application code opens a connection and then either does not close it or closes it and then tries to use it again.


To prevent this, you should enclose your connection code in a try/catch block to ensure release. There have also been a few case where this error is caused by opening a connection from a static class. If the static class/method is executed in a separate instance before a different version has finished, this can cause the connection to be close or reset. To prevent this, you should use non-static classes and methods, though using Thread Synchronization lock statements to synchronize access could work as well.

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