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Hi Everyone. Josh from Florida. I have seen others posts about this issue but no real resolution.

I have a workflow that can be started for by other workflows or directly through a form. Every which way an item enters the workflow, it passes through a few items successfully then fails on the task assignment. To my knowledge nothing is being queried. What can be causing this?

Error Message: Error in task. Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.


I can not provide specifics or maybe even an answer that makes total sense.

According to our SharePoint Admin, inside the query the workflow used assign the task, there were 59 instances of the outcome which was causing the error. The resolution came when the admin ran a delete query against the order of outcomes table to remove the extra instances.

I'm not understanding this..What do you mean by Order of Outcomes table? This isn't a sharepoint or a Nintex table that I can see. Would it be possible to provide more detailed informaiton about this solution? I'm assuming this is a table in your custom database that you're using with BCS since deleting items from sharepoint databases is not supported.


Can you provide more details about this? What you have provided refers to a table that is not found in SharePoint or Nintex.
