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Error on creating a Package and Deploying Package using K2 for SharePoint

Get an error when trying to create a package using K2 for SharePoint wizard where it states : The following location might be invalid. Continue to "/File.ashx?....

It seems the link is wrong, it's pointing to http://designer:/File.ashx instead of http://k2smartforms/runtime/File.ashx.



We found out that issue occurs when the Smartforms Runtime SSL and Smartforms Designer Runtime SSL are not peresent in worksapce and set to default

After resolving creating a package using SharePoint, the Deploy package also had the same issue : The following location might be invalid. Continue to "/File.ashx?....pointing only to the Deisgner/Deployment/DeploymentResolve.aspx with further investigation it was found that
this seems due to be caused by a mismatched FieldID values in the Evironment.Field tables of the db where the Smartforms SSL Desinger was set to something that was not what it should be.



The following script to add the Smartforms Runtime SSL solved issue

1. Create a backup of K2 Database
2. Stop the K2 Blackpearl Service
3 Run the following script:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM OEnvironment].tField] WHERE FieldName = 'SmartForms Runtime SSL' AND FieldId = '34b422c0-c04b-455f-8aa4-58b867d64463')
DECLARE @return_value int

EXEC @return_value = Environment].tAddField]
@FieldId = N'34b422c0-c04b-455f-8aa4-58b867d64463',
@TemplateId = N'CFAEF87A-FF85-47D4-8BA0-E3C93EFD8D5F',
@EnvironmentId = N'1BDA9DED-B8F9-404D-A8D9-801A195D16F9',
@TypeId = N'EC07ABC1-259D-40CE-9485-04EEB3E5DCF0',
@IsDefault = 1,
@FieldName = N'SmartForms Runtime SSL',
@FieldDescription = N'SmartForms Runtime SSL URL',
@FieldValue = N'http/https://:/runtime/Runtime/', -- This should be your SmartForms Runtime SSL field, please change if incorrect.
@UserFullName = N'K2WorkflowInstaller',
@ModifyTime = N'2015-07-28 04:53:50.010'

PRINT N'SmartForms Runtime SSL environment field created'
PRINT N'Environment already field exists.'

4. Restart K2 Blackpearl Service.
5. Set Runtime SSL and Designer SSL as default in workspace
6. Restart K2 Blackpearl service.

Issue 2:

1. Create Backup of K2 DB
2. Stop K2 Blackpearl Service.
3. Update the FieldID in Environment Field Table in K2 DB for the Designer SSL to the correct value - (AA214DE3-C34F-FFFF-A547-BBB0F7CEE4DD)
4.Restart Blackpearl Service

Kindly note that you have 3 days to accept or reject this resolution. If you feel that the resolution I have provided you with was not acceptable then please reject this resolution. Otherwise, please take the opportunity to submit feedback, using the short survey included in this message.

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