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Dear All,

I created an Item Template Event by following the instructions in the DRAFT version of the Studio Assist SDK. An error occurs after I click "OK", and the error message is:

When I stepped through code, found the following statements never get called:

public void Initialize(SourceCode.K2StudioAssist.Interfaces.IPropertyTemplateAssist propertyTemplateAssist)

private void PropertyTemplatePageContainer_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (!DesignMode)

Any help would be appreciated,
Hi Patrick,

A couple of questions:
1. Where did you get this version K2 Studio Assist SDK from?
2. When did you get this SDK?
3. What version of the SDK are you running (check Sourcecode.K2StudioAssist.dll version)

Hi Ockert,

Thanks for your reply.

I got this K2 Studio Assist SDK from the SOURCECODE ANZ team -- Marco Ling, on 14 February 2006.
The version of Sourcecode.K2StudioAssist.dll is: 3.5335.1.0

Hi Ockert,

What I found was:

PropertyTemplatePage_Load(...) {...}
PropertyTemplatePageContainer_Load(...) {...}

never got invoked. Those two methods were manually typed in by myself, but they are exactly the same as whatever given in the Studio SDK. What I made changed was that in the design view, I double clicked the user control form, then MS Visual C# will automatically generate
PropertyTemplatePage_Load(...) {} 
, and I just copy paste exactly the same code as I typed in before, inside the method. I did the same for
 PropertyTemplatePageContainer_Load(...) {} 
Then everything works perfectlly well.

I'm not sure why it makes the difference by typing those method hearders manually and generating automatically by MS VC#

When you double click on the designer, the methods AND Event handlers are created automatically. This was probably the problem with typing in the methods manually - No Event Handlers.

Hi Patrick,

Not that it helps a lot, but, I also found out that these methods were not called. However, I am not sure if this SDK is only for Events or for the other programmable elments within K2Studio (i.e. lines, activities, etc.) and these methods are used elsewhere in these elements.

Maybe Ockert can throw more light on this subject?

Hi Patrick,

Which textbox is causing the problem in your example? Have you limited a design to just one component page with just one label/textbox/dv/clear element? What happens?

