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 I'm trying to deploy a workflow to SharePoint. The workflow compiles okay, but during deployment I get an error:

Task Error: System.Exception: Error occurred adding the feature to the farm. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access denied.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Objectb] parameters)
   at SourceCode.SharePoint.WebServices.K2SPFeatures.AddWorkflowFeature(String featureTitle, String description, Boolean isDefaultForms, K2SPStartForms startForms, K2SPTaskForma] taskForms, K2SPModificationFormi] modForms)   ...)snip for brevity]

 I suspect that the error message is right - that there is an authorisation issue - but I can't think what it is.

 I've written and I'm deploying the workflow as a domain admin. The K2 Service account is a domain admin too. I've also added the service account to the Site Administrators group via the "Central Admin > K2 Admin" page.

 Any ideas what's wrong/what I've not configured that I can't deploy my process?

More detail - from the IIS logs...  (I've replaced the text Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+MS+Web+Services+Client+Protocol+2.0.50727.832) with XXX and the text W3SVC1013099565 with YY for brevity)

2007-11-22 16:03:21 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:21 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:21 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 200 0 0
2007-11-22 16:03:22 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:22 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 200 0 0
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 200 0 0
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:27 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:28 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPLists.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 200 0 0
2007-11-22 16:03:29 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPContentTypes.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:29 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPContentTypes.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:29 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPContentTypes.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 200 0 0
2007-11-22 16:03:31 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPFeatures.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 2 2148074254
2007-11-22 16:03:31 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPFeatures.asmx - 80 - XXX 401 1 0
2007-11-22 16:03:32 YY POST /_vti_bin/K2SPFeatures.asmx - 80 VIRTUALAdministrator XXX 500 0 0

I don't know why each service is being called 3 times and refused twice, but the third time normally works, except at the end where you can see the HTTP 500 error

Looks suspiciously like a typical 401 error (the famous triple prompt).  How is your environment setup and is Kerberos being used?

Hi Andy,

Are you deploying from visual studio or WebWorkflow?


Well, it does appear to be trying 3 times...

Kerberos is not being used. The environment is just a single VMWare virtual server, vanilla MOSS installation without Kerberos, SQL server 2005 Ent with Reporting Services, Visual Studio 2005 SP1. Authentication is just Windows auth.

I am trying to deploy from Visual Studio.

Hmm. Am I going to need Kerberos (slight feeling of fear, here)? I figured that as it was single server, that shouldn't be an issue. (It's a demo machine, so everything has to go on one virtual machine).


(Sorry about the delay in replying, I got pulled to another project as I was supposed to be receiving some actual training in K2 at the beginning of the week. It got cancelled though :(  )

HI Andy,

Please ensure that the Application Pool Identity of the Moss Site Collection is part of the Farm Administrators group. Set this throught the sharepoint administration on the Operations page. Also ensure that the account deploying the process is part of the local administrators group. This is one of the current Sharepoint Workflow Integration requirements.

Hope this helps


Thanks Gert, that was bang on, I think...  ...certainly the error has changed! Now I'm getting

Task Error: System.Exception: Error occurred associating the workflow with the content type. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Value cannot be null.

 Note entirely sure what's doing that...

Glad it helped...As far as I know this error will occur if you changed your form technology through your Sharepoint Workflow Integration after you have deployed it and you try to deploy again. The ability to do this has been disabled in SP1.

What version of K2[blackpearl] are you running?

Could you try and create a new simple Sharepoint Integrated workflow to see if the error still appears?




Just a quick update - got it working in the end, with help from the K2 guys in the London office (many thanks to Keith Newton). Um, we did quite a lot, and sadly I'm only just now documenting what I did, but the main things we did that seemed to get rid of the 'Value can not be null' error were :

- to associate the workflow with with a specific list, rather than a content type.

- installed SP1. 

 Worked fine for the demo though! 


Glad it helped...As far as I know this error will occur if you changed your form technology through your Sharepoint Workflow Integration after you have deployed it and you try to deploy again. The ability to do this has been disabled in SP1.

What version of K2[blackpearl] are you running?

Could you try and create a new simple Sharepoint Integrated workflow to see if the error still appears?




That's helpful to know. But apparently, SP1 doesn't disable enough options to prevent this from occurring. I tried changing from Form Location: "Use Default Page" to "Generate new ASP.Net pages" and am now getting this error. However, it is not the permissions-related error. the second part on mine reads:

"There was an error while publishing the generated forms. Please ensure that you have Microsoft Web Deployment Addin installed on the system." Well, I missed that in the list of Prerequsites! (Was it even there?) But even after installing the Web deployment addin, I still get the same error with trying to deploy the SharePoint Workflow integrated Process... arg.

pEdit] Oh, and does anyone know a way to REMOVE the Process Wizard's integration effect from a process? For example, if I've used the SharePoint Workflow Integration but I want to change my Form type, there doesn't seem to be a way to remove the integration and redo it, so I'm left with building a whole new process from scratch!? [/Edit]

Any ideas? am I miss something. Or is this barely even related to the original thread? Thanks! 
