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I have developed a workflow which is fully functional on my sharepoint server. I have tried to enable this workflow on another sharepoint site/application on the same sharepoint server (running on a different port / host header)

When i attempt to start a workflow on the new sharepoint site i get the error below.

Anyone come across this situation before or have any tips on what i should look at?

I have gone through the k2 central administration pages and enabled k2 on the new SharePoint site. I have also added the K2 Service User to the site owner group in sharepoint. Am I missing any steps?

An error has occurred in NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked

Error Details: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: uriString

at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)

at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.K2Uri..ctor(String uriString)

at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.K2Runtime.StartProcess(K2IntegrationItem k2IntegrationItem, SPWorkflowActivationProperties Properties)

at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.MultipleTasksAndUsers.NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked(Object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)

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