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We are using our custom security provider by implementing ?IHostableSecurityProvider? and register it as ?XIAP? security label.
We are using following code to open connection with k2

Using(Connection cn = new Connection())
SCConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SCConnectionStringBuilder()

connectionString.Authenticate = true
connectionString.Host = localhost
connectionString.Integrated = true
connectionString.IsPrimaryLogin = true
connectionString.Port = 5252
connectionString.SecurityLabelName = "XIAP"
cn.Open(connectionString.Host, connectionString.ToString())
some more code.......


Everything was working fine till last week. But after upgrading our server and client to 4.7 we are starting to get error ?Claims token XML is empty"? while invoking ?cn.Open?.
Could you please suggest what needs to be done to provide Claims token.


From what I can gather if you use intergared =true, it would use the logged on user and if you use integrated = false, it would use the specified user.

Please see the below links for further assistance:



Routed the issue o the services team.

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