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After upgrading from 4.6.6 to 4.6.11 a process stopped working as expected.

Error message in Error Profiles:
"Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Field with name 'RevisionName' was not found. ServiceName: ServiceGuid: 5466588f-6488-4397-a439-533ad1953d9f InnerExceptionMessage: "

Here are the reproduction steps:
Login to K2 Workspace --> Management Console --> Expand servername:5555 --> Expand Workflow server --> Error Profiles --> All --> Search for specific ID --> Select that ID --> click on Retry --> The process will fail again with the error message above.


There was a different ticket logged that was resolved by a coldfix, but this ticket however can not be resolved by a coldfix. In essence it boils down to the following:

The coldfixed issue can be reproduced by executing the SharePoint V2 SmartObject List method and filtering the results by the problematic column "RevisionName". If we do not specify a filter we get results with no issues.

The error message thrown by adding a filter for the "RevisionName" column to the Get List method of the SP V2 SmartObject is the following:

Message: Server was unable to process request. ---andgt One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields. ---andgt One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields. ServiceName: ServiceGuid: 5466588f-6488-4397-a439-533ad1953d9f InnerExceptionMessage:


In essence, there are three issues in this ticket:

1. The error when executing the process.
2. The error when testing through SmartObject tester tool.
3. It does not seem like the RevisionName column is returned by the SmartObject.

This is what we did for each issue:

1. The first issue we have resolved by deleting the SharePoint List and creating a new list, then generate new K2 SmartObjects for it and finally updating the process to use the new SmartObjects.
2. This issue was addressed with a coldfix
3. Since the list was deleted in step 1 above, the new SmartObjects are returning the correct data.

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