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Hi all,


I am trying to create the custom control specified here:

I have executed the tutorial until 12.

On Design Time I am receiving this error: 



'Could not set properties for the control 'PasswordBox' used for 'd8174702-9bdf-6a75-dea8-2fa9fcc4bd1b''

Type: System.NullReferenceException

Source: setControlProperties()

Method Base

Member Type: Method

Name: setControlProperties


Scope Name: SourceCode.Forms.dll

Declaring Type

Full Name: SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.ViewFramework




When debugging I have verified that  controlType.Properties is correctly assigned with the content of Properties.xml.


Can you help troubleshooting this error?





Hi Tiago

The error you are getting is a specific error that will only occur when the IControl cannot be loaded via reflection.

I'm not sure what the cause of this may be, but can you verify that your target framework of your control project is set to .NET 3.5.

Also, recompile your project, do an iis refresh, and reload your forms designer.


Jaco Bester 
