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We keep getting the error "Error - Cannot use Nintex Forms for content type : Item" when I try to open the nintex in design mode. Nitex forms used to load fine all these days but starting today we see the error. no changes were made at the site level.

Due to this I am unable to edit list forms using nintex.

Did you make any changes to default content type document or item.

Which SharePoint and Nintex do you use? Are you the admin of the server or is the IT department responsible? Hopefully you can resolve this issue soon as it had worked before.

Thanks Sojan / Gunnar,

Well i am not the SP Admin but just a user of the SP with site level admin access. I further checked with the SP Admin and we found issues with the SQL and admin helped to clear up some space . AFter the clean up de-activated an re-activated the Nintex product. Works fine now


We are receiving the same error. 

Do you have any details on the error or where the error was found? Where was space cleared up??

Did you have to deactivate and re-activate on multiple site collections??



Just an FYI if anyone else gets this message...  The content type must not be read only in order to let Nintex create or edit the forms.   This means that if you are using the content type hub, and publishing the content type, you have to set the content type to not be read only in the site (or in the library).  This may also explain someone else's question about not being able to change the forms for an OOTB content type.  This means you should be able to inherit the OOTB content type and then use forms on it.

I have a Parent form called "Knowledge" and a child called "Design", both of these forms are distributed via Content hub publishing. if I change the Knowledge form, it will be inherited down to Design. How then do i add additional fields into the "Design" which is used in many different doc libraries? I will still want this relationship as I have a "reusable site collection" Document approval workflow running based on the "Knowledge" content type which will apply to all child content type.


in my case my problem was solved after the shrinking the dblog file in database. due to full dblog following issue was seen in my case.
