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Everything had been working fine in my development environment. I left a week ago on vacation and upon my return when trying to start the K2Server I am receiving the following error in the HostServer_log:

"17250167","2013-04-03 08:11:22","Error","System","2001","ServerStartError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.StartHostServer","2001 Error Starting Host Server: SQL User manager Error:Cannot open database 'K2SQLUM' requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'CORPsvc_k2dev'.","system","","VMLGMTDVK201:C:Program FilesK2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","17250167","2a84f24c469b4593a7817674171ed2e4",""

The user has access to the K2SQLUM db and is a dbowner on the database. Any suggestions?

if you use "CORPsvc_k2dev" account with SQL Server Management Studio can you connect to the DB?

If I run the Management studio as that user I can use windows auth to log into the db. If I try to use Sql Auth I am still getting the failure to connect. I am receiving State of 6 for the error which implies that I am trying to use an NT login to while using SQL Authentication. This had been working just fine until I get back from vacation. I'm really confused. The user has been created as a login to the database.


Is it possible that this is happening because I moved db servers? I moved the servers over six months ago but it is possible that a reboot happened while I was away. Could I have missed something in the permissions when I made the move, and it took a reboot to recognize it?   Just thining...

I had moved SqlServers about 6 months ago and RoleInit and AuthInit were wrong. Not sure why it had worked up to this point. Resolution to ticket is below if it helps someone in the future:

It appears the error is occurred when K2 Server attempts to initialize the SQL User Manager. Do you use the SQL User Manager or just the Active Directory User Manager?

Could you please have a look in the [K2HostServer].[dbo].[SecurityLabel] you should have a SecurityLabelName for K2. Let me know what other labels that you see in there. It is possible that there is a SecurityLabelName for SQL.

In the Authinit and Roleinit columns of the SecurityLabels table in K2HostServer database, make sure the <init> section of the xml is configured to use the correct SQL Server and instance of where the database is installed

This worked. Thank you @moffutt


It was poining to old server. Until the old db was up, it was working fine. When old db was taken offline - it was giving this error. Updating in the db solved the issue.


I wonder why it was not done by configurator.
