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In the situation where 2 users are assigned the same task (1 slot). After one of the two have actioned the task the second users receives a cryptic error (from link in email) with error code (24411). I believe this to be by design because the worklist item (task) has already been actioned.

This error is very confusing to your average end user. It would be nice if this was more user-friendly or if we as developers had the ability to customize this message.


I believe there may be two ways of handling this behavior:

1. For a system-wide customization, this error message can be modified to your in the 'HostServerLogging.config' file, usually located in the 'C:Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin' directory. A K2 blackpearl service restart is necessary after making this change. Please also backup this file before making and testing changes.

2. Or per Smartforms form/state, by using the eError Handling > Error occurred] event to capture and perhaps display a more user-friendly message. Please see this blog below containing relevant information:


One of the solutions above was implemented.

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