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Error Approving tasks using smartactions


We have received reports from multiple users where they are unable to approve assigned tasks using email (smartactions).

When they reply to the email they get the following message:

The K2 server could not find the worklist item 2786_77. This item may have been actioned by another user.
The full error from the K2 server is 'The worklist item 2786_77 is no longer available or you do not have rights to open it.'.

Looking at the view flow the task is only assigned to them and therefore the message is misleading.

We have requested one user to try going direct to the Worklist and approve that way which worked and therefore concluded that this is isolated to smart actions.

Looking at the event viewer we have seen the following errors occurring multiple times for various users.


Error Approving tasks using smartactions

After a lenghty discussion it turned out that the root cause was due to Proxy Rules implemented company wide that were set to deny any non authenticated calls leaving the K2 Server . The nature of the OAuth mechanism and Token refresh system means that all calls to AAD will be make Anonymously (seeing as Auth is done at browser level already) . The call to AAD is done without credentials but with a OAuth Token .

As such , Anonymous calls leaving the K2 Server and hitting Azure is a common occurance , and blocking these will result in the behaviour we saw . In 4.6.9 we are able to succcefully surface the 403 errors ... In 4.6.7 - 4.6.8 we need to introduce Cold-Fixes and Debug Assemblies to reach the same error message

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