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The following error is being logged in  K2 Host Server logs:
"64007 The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint 'CK_Identity_Identity_FQN'. The conflict occurred in database 'K2', table 'Identity.Identity', column 'FQN'. The statement has been terminated."




This error messages is also accompanied with other errors:


• 28018 K2:DOMAINUSER does not have permissions to open the process
• 64005 Failed to resolve '0': .
• 64007 An error occurred during Group provider search, and no results were returned More data is available.
• 28018 K2:DOMAINUSER does not have permissions to open the process
• 28018 K2:DOMAINUSER does not have permissions to open the process
• 24411 K2:DOMAINUSER from ***** is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=XYZ_XY








This is a known issue logged internally under TFS 548472: “K2Blackpearl ClientEvent: When 2 destination users are configured (Originator and UserX) and UserX starts the process an error is generated”.




This issue appear only under certain conditions and can be safely ignored.


Sample reproduction steps:
1. Add new user account in AD and assign the user as member of Finance
2. Expire the cache for Finance
3. Run UMUser GetGroupUsers for Finance
4. Create a process with single client event and set dest rule to have originator and the new user
5. Set the finance user to have Start rights on the process
6. Create smartforms view with a button that will start the workflow in step 4
7. Run IE with the new user and start the workflow from smartforms view.
8. Review the HostServer Logs








This is known issue and error message can be safely ignored. These errors do not have any negative impact and they do not prevent users from interacting with workflows.
There is no way of getting rid of this error at the moment. Currently there is no information when/in which future release this issue will be addressed.

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