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K2 host server failed to run. Configuration has been rerun with new license and without any errors. Console is showing the following error:




"Error","System","2001","ServerStartError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.StartHostServer","2001 Error Starting Host Server: bind() Failed. Error code: 10048"






This error message means that K2 server is unable to bind to its configured port.


This error usually indicates that the port that K2 Server is trying to use is already in use. It is necessary to check if K2 blackpearl service is already started in console mode or as a service (depending on how you trying to start it when receiving this error). If K2 Service is not started, it is necessary to check if the TCP port 5555 or 5252 is being used by any other process on the server. Telnet utility may be used for getting this information.




You can chec which program uses which port by issuing the following command:




netstat -abo




Or to avoid looking throug couple of screens of output from the command above you can filter output by port number:




netstat -abo | find "5555"


netstat -abo | find "5252"




Output will give you PID of the process which is using this port in the last column which you may use in the following command to obtain process name (substitute 1234 with PID obtain executing previous command):




tasklist /fi "pid eq 1234"





Check whether there is other K2 service instance already started or whethere there is some other app which uses ports required for K2 service.



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