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Error on all forms linked to a SharePoint Online objects:

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

? Type:
? Source:
? Stack Trace:
at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objectt] Parameters, Booleann] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objectt] Parameters, Booleann] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectClientServer.ExecuteList(ArchiveX ax, ExecuteListReaderOptions options)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectClientServer.GetSmartObjectReader(SmartObject smartObject, ExecuteListReaderOptions options, Dictionary`2and propertyReference)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectClientServer.ExecuteListReader(SmartObject smartObject, ExecuteListReaderOptions options)
at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormsApiToXml.ToXmlList()
at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.SmartObjectExecution(XPathNavigator nav, Boolean outputDependencies, SmartObjectClientServer svr)
at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.WorkXmlToApi(String xml)
at SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.AJAXCall.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

After asking you to do a Registration Wizard (See DIAGNOSIS), we get the following error on step "Administrative OAuth Token:
Authorization not successful
More Details
Exception Details:
{nothing displayed}


In 4.6.11, this type of issue could appears if
A) You change the password of the account that register the K2 Application (When Runing the Registration Wizard)
B) Or 90 days after the last registration.
Note: On 4.7, the registration is done only on the App catalogue directly with a "Register one OAuth": You should have the issue only each 120 days and not depending to the password (A).

We advise to follow this approach to solve the issue:
1- Allocate that user the site collection admin rights (allows the new user to run the registration wizard on the site)
2- Make that user also a K2 Server Admin in the management site (it avoids lock out)
3- Within the management site ?Authentication?OAuth?Tokens (In K2 Designer, SystemManagementSecurityFormsManage OAuth Tokens, The URL will be: https://{K2RunTimeServer}/Runtime/Runtime/Form/Manage+OAuth+Tokens/ )
a. Delete the token WHERE Resource Type = ?Microsoft Online? AND Username= ?current global admin?
b. Delete the two other tokens WHERE Resource Type = ?Microsoft Online? AND Username=?Kuid?
4- Open a new browser or Ingognito browser
5- Login to SharePoint online as the new global admin user
6- Run the registration wizard
a. The user will get the consent page
b. New token will be registered



The previous tip doesn't not work,
In order to investigate further, we ask to customer to use fiddler (See attached documentation) and test again the registration wizard.
When fiddler was activated, the issue has been solved.

We think that this issue was linked to a proxy issue or Cache of Firefox.
As Fiddler works like a local proxy, it could explain that it working with fiddler in case of you have a local proxy installed on your machine (Your local proxy was disabled by fiddler)

Another possibility was to test the same action of Registration Wizard with your account but from a FireFox on our domain (K2FRANCE): It could works if the issue that you have is linked to your infrastructure/proxy....

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