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The other day I had set up a custom template field for our web server. 
I set this to different urls in the "Production" and "Development" workspace environments.
At some point my urls were overwritten by some default string pointing to the k2 server.
I am trying to figure out how this could have happened.  Would someone have had to changed that value or could it get overwritten during a publish?

any help would be...well...helpful!!!

 - John


The environment variables can be edited via the K2 Object Browser in the K2 designers.

As far as I know the environment variables will not be overwritten during a publish. I will verify this and come back to you.

If I don't remember wrongly whatever you configure in Visual Studio WILL overwrite the String Table on the server. At least this has happened to me.

I'm on vacation right now so I can't check...

That is correct. K2 overwrites the string table values with the values of the selected deployment environment (e.g. Development / Production / Other) at the time of deployment. The environment variables are used during design time and deployment, while the String table values are used during runtime.

So it was John's fault after all.  Mwwhaahahahaha.

Seriously though, how do you avoid having a publish overwrite your settings changed within the workspace?  Is it just a matter of remembering to refresh from the server within VS.
