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Encounter error "Unable to load one or more of the requested types" when try to register SharePoint App




Encounter error "Unable to load one or more of the requested types" on Sharepoint 2013 Registration Wizard.






The fusion logs revealed there are some K2 Service Broker assemblies binding errors. This has misleaded us into a wrong direction as the root cause of the binding error was due to the other dependencies which is the SharePoint Client Component.

When we try to install the SharePoint Client Component from the redistribution folder, there was an error complaining that the current OS (Window Server 2008 R2 RTM) is not compatible with the client component. This explains why the SharePoint Client Component not installed during reconfiguration of K2 for SharePoint. Resolved after customer installed Window Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 and reconfigure the K2 for SharePoint component.

I have tried this from my end and the Setup Manager should have stopped you from upgrade/install if you do not fulfill the prerequisite as per Blackpearl Matrix:-

This should be a one off case where the installer do not check the OS version during the upgrade.



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