How to configure HTTPS for SmO web services instead of HTTP?
All required configuration steps covered in K2 documentation section entitled “Windows Authentication with SSL for K2 SmartObject Services”:
To configure the K2 SmartObject Services with standard Windows Authentication using SSL, find the () section in the K2HostServer.exe.config file in the {SystemRoot}Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin directory and follow the steps below:
1. Change enableEndpoints="false" to enableEndpoints="true"
2. Change scheme="http" to scheme="https"
3. Change port="8888" to port="8443"
4. Change wcf binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration= "wsHttpBinding Windows" to wcf binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration= "wsHttpBinding HTTPS"
5. Change rest binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration= "webHttpBinding Windows" to rest binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration= "webHttpBinding Windows HTTPS"
6. Change excluded all="true" to excluded all="false"
7. Configure the URL Access Control List so that the service account can use the https url:
Open a command prompt
Execute the following command (replace (server] with the server entry in () section, and replace domainServiceAccountUsername] with the service account details)
netsh http add urlacl url=https://=server]:8443/ user=4domainServiceAccountUsername]
8. Configure the SSL for the port:
Open a command prompt
Execute the following command:
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=4CertificateThumbprint] appid={4dc3e181-e14b-4a21-b022-59fc669b0914}
You need to replace nCertificateThumbprint] with the thumbprint of the server certificate on the server, which you can get by viewing certificate properties using GUI or PowerShell. Getting certificate thumbrint using GUI:
9. Restart the K2 blackpearl Server service.
10. Validate that you can access the endpoints by navigating to the following URL (replace lserver] as appropriate for your environment):
Follow the steps from this KB article or from the respective section of K2 online help.