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We've started getting random reports over the last couple weeks of weird K2 behavior.  We have a process in production that basically compiles some data from the user and then sends out emails to a selected list of people.  One of the things we capture on the initial form is an attachment.  This attachment is stored in the database in an nvarchar(max) field and then later, in the workflow, retrieved and sent in the resulting emails.


The specific instance of this issue revolves around a 66kb .docx file.  There are no special characters, other than  - , in the name.  The user has tried multiple times to send this attachment, but she can't.  What happens is K2 creates the entry in the database properly, but the actual nvarchar(max) column in the database is empty.  Because a record is actually created, though, we know K2 sees the file and is attempting to save it.  


No errors are presented to the user or in workspace.  


Also, I was able to successfully send the file to myself using the production workflow.  When I (and a couple other developers) tried sending the exact same file K2 properly stored it in the database.  Finally, the user that reported the issue was able to send me a test text file properly.  


Anybody have any ideas?  I'm not sure where to look or what avenue to investigate.  





If you are using a file attachment control in K2 Designer to popluate the table, there are certain file types that are not compatable with it.


Please refer to this link for futher inforrmation on the supported file types: control 






