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I am not able to receive any emails nofications (used to though). The log file shows the below error entry;

10:45:12","Error","System","2025","InternalMarshalError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Services.TCPClientSocket.InternalMarshal","2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Runtime.SmartFunctionEngine.Execute, Exception occurred during execution of SmartFunction SystemPoliciesSendEmail v(1), Exception:  --- Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.;Failure sending mail.;Unable to connect to the remote server;A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond --- ","system","fe80::8987:3f7e:3ee:af25%10","BBKWFAPP:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","893126683","757486ca66a2416d8fa5c7df8ab2c534",""

Al though I have changed the mail server setup from K2 worksapce (environment setup), teh log shows that a coonection is atempted to, which is our old mail server.

Any hints guys?



have you set the new mail server as default and after  also try to reset your black server.

Yes, but I am still unable to receive emails.

I have actually changed the k2server.config file too but with no avail.



Try and re run the setup manager and Point it(Mail server configuration) to the new mail address. that's if you haven't done that already.

new mail server I meant

Also check K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinK2Server.config to see if the DefaultSMTPServer has the new value.
