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Hi All,


I created a Sharepoint List and a K2 application on the list.

The k2 application has a send email actvity.


My userid is the K2 service account under which K2 server is running.

I deployed the K2 application and on trigerring the K2 application , an email is sent to the user who adds a new item into the List.


Now, the crux here is EMail is being sent from mu emai id . How to change this ?


Please advise.


Thanks and Regards,




I understand you want to change the FROM ADDRESS,


if you go to the workspace > Management > Management Console > Environment Library > Templates > Environments > Select the Environment you're working on > Environment Fields > Find "From Address" Field then Edit and change the email address.

Hi Mustafa,


Thanks for replying.


I had done that plus restarted K2 Server.

Still then Email is being sent from my email id rather than let say


Am I missing something here ?


Thanks and Regards,


Can I see a screen shot of your email event please?

Hi Mustafa,


This is what I did.


I modified String table entry (FROM ADDRESS field). And it worked.


I think Environment fields are different from String Table. Becuase the FROM ADDRESS in Environment Field still has my email Id but I have modified the FROM ADRESS field in string table from my email id to and its working perfect.


I remember in K2.NET 2003 , there was nothing called Environmet field but String Table concept was there.


Thanks and Regards,


Glad to know that you managed to solve it :) 

Hi Mustafa,


I am a bit confused here. I know about string table (both in K2.NET 2003 and BlackPearl).

But what is this Environment field ?

I am pretty much new to this concept.


ANy help from anyone in the community is highly appreciated.


Thanks and Regards,




As I undersatnd, the string table is a copy of the environment fields
