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 Would anyone know if it is possible to alter the subject in the the 'email notification'.
Currently it comes through as 'Workflow Item Received', but it would be nice to be able to alter this and use a datafield contained at process level.

I've had a look around the event code, but to no avail.

Many thanks,



as far as ai know in blackpearl you can not make this notification much more dynamic but you can change the look and feel of the template.  here are a few words from one of our technical specialists out of the UK, Seb Garrioch

A number of customers and partners have asked about customizing the Mail Template for the notifications we receive. In C:Program FilesK2 blackpearlHost ServerBin, look for SourceCode.EventBus.ClientRecorder.DLL.mailTemplate. It’s a plain HTML file, so modify as necessary and make sure to preserve the key values used to insert the K2 Data and you’re done! Remember to change the from e-mail address in SourceCode.EventBus.Server.config.

Thanks for your reply.

I have amended the template and got it looking how I want, it is a shame that the description can't be changed. I may well take a look at custom mail events. Are there any drawbacks of using those?

Related to this I would like to know if there is any way to modify the link to the task item in the e-mail.

The e-mail template contains a placeholder '[UrlWithSN]' which is replaced with something like

"<a href=""></a>" , I would rather want something like:

"<a href="">Open Your Task</a>"

Not serious, since 99% of the time I would use my own e-mail template because I like to include key process data in the notification.

I would also like to display say 'Click Here' rather than the whole url.

I have also tried this in the 'Mail Event' using the above method, but it still shows the full url.

Also, any idea where the full serial number can be acquired. The ProcessInstanceID seems to contain the first half of the serial number (1243 of 1243_18), but I can't seem to locate the _18 part. Thought it would be in ActivityInstanceID, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Hi All

I have a similar requirement in that our client would like the folio name to appear in the subject line of the email and also they would like to incorporate some of their own branding into the body of the email as well.

Here is what I found (Thanks Marco!):

In the Workspace goto Notification designer and then navigate to Runtime Events (under Workflow notifications) and click on this directory.

 Here you will see a list all of he activities and tasks within your process. Click on the drop down arrow on the the activity/task you want to change and select Edit. Then click on the next button until you get to the notification email.

From here you can drag and drop process field/process data fields/process XML fields information into the Subject line or body.

Sorry if you guys know that already but I think it is pretty snazzy!





Hi Faccenda,

What did you do to update the mail template? I stopped the server, edited it, run the server again, but the old template is still the one I get when I receive mails.

What's the trick?

I saw something on another thread about unticking the Notification checkbox, deploy the process, then tick it again and re-deploy, but it didn't work.

Hum... I'm puzzled. This morning, I made another attemp and it worked, the actual mail style is now the one I designed yesterday. Nothing happened to the server during the night.

Why didn't it work yesterday, after having restarted the server, redeployed the process, and why does it work now? Is there a "time to live" on the template before Blackpearl tries to renew it?

Hi Robin,

I came across your post on how to customise the notifications, and it sounds like what I need to do. I have a couple of questions though:

I am trying to add the value of a process xml field into a notification, but I don't seem to be able to access any of the subfields of an xml field - eg I would like to include the the ListItemTitle field of the EventDetails xml field, however I can't expand the EventDetails process xml field. I can drag the EventDetails XML field onto the notification and it displays all node values, but I can't work out how to select a single element value. Any ideas?

If you customise notifications, do you have to do this for each environment? It would appear that these are not included as part of a project, and so would need to be customised on each environment server (ie customise in development and also in production)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Had some troubles & fiddling to get it to work also - have written a blog post about it...>



Is the "Notification designer" available in blackpoint?

The topic of this post is still valid: how do you change the subject?

This article is helpful in understanding the template file generally:

Given the problems with having to redeploy twice when you change the file and the possiblity of the file being overwritten after an update, it seems much easier to roll your own email... more details on manually constructing the UrlWithSN here.

Can use any like "K2 Object Browser" 's dataField or other... and Can change the mail title ( now is only 'Workflow item received.')

I don't think you can do either sorry - unless you have this so-called Notification Designer which apparently available in BlackPearl, but not BlackPoint...

