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Hi all,

We are going to going live with a K2 powered Application form very soon.

It has been brought up that at the moment there is no error handling (e.g. email notification sent if workflow errors) I have looked at K2 Studio, workspace and designer but unfortunately I cannot see if there is any way to automate the process without having a user manually check the workflow within workspace.


Is there any way this can be done? 


Kind Regards,

There is a utility in the Market Place called PENS, Process error Notification Service


We use this pretty reliably but you still have to check periodically as it sometimes just stops working. We have used it for several years.  It is an applcaition on your K2 server that runs as a service and looks at K2 processes.


Hope this helps.

Thank you Micki,

I will look into this and test.



Kind regards,



