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Smartforms Email rule errors with:
The remote name could not be resolved: ''

7498 An error has occurred: System.Exception: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. : The EventBusInterop Container property is null.
at SourceCode.EventBus.Server.EventQueueProcessing.ExecuteAssembly(Int32 CustomEventInstanceID, Int32 CustomEventID, ResolvedPolicyMapping resolvedPolicyMapping, Boolean isConditional, Int32 eventTypeID)
at SourceCode.EventBus.Server.EventQueueProcessing.ProcessEvent(Int32 ID)

7008 The following error occurred while executing policy for CustomEventInstanceID: 479 : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. : The EventBusInterop Container property is null..

SendOnly cannot be used by a user without a mailbox. Use SendAndSaveCopy and specify a folder ID in a mailbox to send an item from an account that doesn't have a mailbox.


The "Mail Server" environment library field had the incorrect SMTP server value.

There was an EWS connection string that was null.

Smartactions was enabled and the K2 Service account was specified in the "self" node this account does not have a mailbox.


Updating the "Mail Server" to a hostname that was accessible internally resolved this error.

Removing this null entry using the ConnectionStringEditor.exe and restarting the K2 blackpearl service resolved this error.

There was another "K2 Smartactions" account that had a mailbox, as such we configured the "self" node as well as values for the EWS connection strings to use this account instead. Restarting the K2 blackpearl service resolved this error.

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