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In our process there is an activity that requires five users to approve it. If I use slots it is my understanding that each slot creates a temporary copy of the process that is available only to that slot.

What I need to have happen is that as each slot approves the activity the other slots for that activity are notified of the approval.

Any suggestions?
There are prob other elegant solutions but you could create 5 process data fields to store the 5 email addresses whenever a slot is taken by a person, and upon each approve, send the emails to those data fields that are populated with email addresses. Or 1 field with ; separator for multiple email addresses.
The problem lies in the sending email upon each approve. How do I get an email event to fire after the approve if the process does not move to the next activity until all slots are approved? If I add an email event after teh infopath event will it wait until the infopath event is complete before firing the server event?
I don't know about InfoPath event holding it up, but I am assuming for regular client event if the slot is finished it should kick off the event after it for each slot.
Well it does kick off the email. The problem it only sends the email to the destination user of that slot and not of all the slots. I hate to hardcode that in but I may have to.
