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We have recently had a few usernames change in our domain. For example, someone got married and their username changed from jsmith to jmillar. These users have tasks on their worklists (under the old account) and are also creating new ones.

1) As the manager, in the workspace, I can only see tasks created using the new username. How can I see the old tasks?

2) Is there someway of reassigning all tasks from one user to another?

Any help on this would be appreciated......


Yes, this is expected since the old username does not exist in AD any longer.

You need to use the 'Manage Worklist' functionality in Service Manager to redirect all worklist items of jsmith (old name) to jmillar (new name). Once this is done, you should be able to see ALL the users worklist items.

K2 seems to store the username in various places in the database. when a user changes domains or usernames, is there a best practice for updating these fields? for example, the originator field. if i change my username and we have a worksapce that shows all of my documents i have created, i would only see the new ones for my new username. It would be nice if there was a way to modify all instances of that username throughout the database to a new username. Any ideas/suggestions?

-this is happening a lot within our company now as we acquire new buisnesses and migrate users from domain to domain.
