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I've added and deleted fields in my smart objects successfully using K2 Designer. However when I look at the tables in SQL Server Manager the deleted fields are still in the table design while many of the added fields are not. I'll be managing my data with SQL Server Manager and I'd like the table fields to match the smart object fields. Is there a way to edit my SQL tables to match my smart objects?


When a SmartBox SmartObject Property name changes, the column name for that table created for the SmartBox SmartObject doesn't change. Only the property name of the smartbox smartobject changes.


This is by design and the column name doesn't change. A workaround we tried was to export the SMO to XML, Delete the SMO (This will erase the data), Edit the XML and chande the System Name of the property to match the Display name and then Import the SMO from the modified XML. Performing those actions we were able to change the System Name to match the Display Name.

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