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I am currently working on a listview form and part of the list has checkbox, dropdown and date fields. I noticed that user has to either double click on a row or click "Edit" button to enable edit mode, then those fields are available for modifications.

Is there a way o make all rows in edit mode when the form gets initialized, so that the users can edit any field on any row without extra operations.

Many thanks.

some extra info:

User also has to double click on the row to show the checkbox, otherwise they will see the text "true" or  "false"...which is not a good user experience. Any thought to solve this problem? Ideally, user would like to see all checkbox when the form gets loaded. 

Hi Ak 47


I had a look into the question you had about "selecting multiple record" this did not work on my side either. I assume the reason for this is because as per design, k2 designer focusus on a single selected record, one at a time to avoid data confusion.


I suggest that you log a ticket as a Feature Request in regards with this issue.
