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We have a business requirement which is as follows:
An item is sent to 5 analysts for analysis. They have the option of doing the analysis, opting out of the analysis,redirecting the analysis to the originator for more information and deferring the analysis to a later date. Also if they do not take any action, they should automatically be opted out of the analysis after a specified period of time ( say 2 days). A reminder mail is sent 1 day before the expected date of completion of analysis.

As an example consider Analyst1 does the analysis and completes his action, Analyst2 redirects it to the originator because he needs some more information, Analyst3 opts out, Analyst4 takes no action (although he receives a mail after 1 day) and is automatically opted out and Analyst5 defers it by 5 days. So the item should remain in worklist for 5 days from the day he defers it and on the 4th day he should receive a reminder email.

Please suggest some ideas regarding its implementation.
What's the min. number of analysts in order to complete the process?

It seems like you need parallel routes to 5 analysts if each one is doing it independently with a state machine for the rest of the actions. You would need to kill all pending routes when deadline occurs if at least 1 analysis is completed? What happens if no analysis has been completed by deadline?
Probably i couldn't explain the situation clearly. These are the possible actions that an analyst may take.
1) Do the analysis.
2) Opt out of the analysis.
3) Defer the analysis to a later date.
4) Do nothing and get automatically opted out.

Please note that the analysts act parallely and independent of each other.Moreover the number of analysts is not fixed, so we cannot create a separate activity for each of them. :? . The tricky part of the problem is that if one analyst defers his analysis to a later date, the overall activity cannot complete even though others may have done their job.
In Activity General: Create a slot for each destination.

In Destination Rule: Use code to assign the "random" number of analysts that will be performing the analysis.

Someone else pls verify..
