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I am not sure this is possible, in fact I may be barking up the wrong tree altogether but here is what I have been trying to do without much luck.

 I am creating a process wherein a user submits an article(via InfoPath Form) for review.  In the form they select the groups (predefined from a repeating table, dropdown selection. note: there are 170 of them) that they want to review the doc.  When the document is submitted the processs loops through all the groups and resolves  the account names of the folks that are in the groups. 

 Here's my problem;

 How do I use take this information and make it the destination rule for the activity that emails them and executes the infopath client event?  Every avenue I try seems to want a static element set (SmartObject Roles require the parameter to be set when defining, and if I use roles I would have unbelievable branching to match each role to duplicating activities).  I have read about the dynamic roles but they doesn't seem to be the answer I wrong?

 The only resort I have not tried yet is to create a repeating XMLField at runtime and assign it to the destination rule, but I have been reading the posts here and it seems that a lot of folks are having issues with it working.

 Sorry for the book, I just wanted to explain this as best as I can. 


Actually thanks to the information in another current post I may have the answer to my problem.
