I am not understanding how the change the choice values when they are selected to: render as buttons.
Here is what I have for now (based upon blog from Sean Fiene ):
   var changeMe = NWF$('#' + dd1);
   NWF$(changeMe).click(function(){ var x = NWF$('#' + dd1 + ' option:selected').val();
       console.log(x );
       if( x == 'Option 1')
           var y = <'tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4']
       else if(x == 'Option 2')
           var y = a'tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4', 'tab5']
       else if(x == 'Option 3')
           var y = <'tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4', 'tab6', 'tab7']
           var y = 'error'
       var myTabs = NWF$('#' + dd2);
       NWF$.each(y, function(val, text){
Looks like I cannot use the option tags ''<option></option>"Â because when rendering as buttons there is possibly some kind of behind the scenes JavaScript rendering.
My guess it has to use something around the data-nfchoicevalue class.
Does anyone have insight around achieving this design?
Thanks in advance for your help!