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When using the SQL SP Service, the properties of the Smart Object is populated as soon as the method is created that

points to the custom stored proc. I noticed that the stored proc parameter names do not get mapped to the Smart Object

properties with an @ sign as prefix, which would mean the names do no tget mapped identically the same.


Example: My stored proc might have a parameter called @employeeID, this is mapped to the Smart Object as only employeeID.


If I execute the Smart Object within InfoPath using rules, I get an error message that there is no column "employeeID".


Does this mean one should change the Smart Object properties after mapping them from a stored proc so they reflect the true

names (incl @) as they are within the stored proc it self?

I have figured out this one, follow the following steps...


1. Create a custom table in SQL

2. Populate the table with the desired data

3. Write and compile a stored proc to retrieve the data from the table. Remember not to name the stored proc with a prefix of "sp_" and do not use the same

   column names for the result data set returned from the stored proc compared to the names of possible parameters the stored proc might have.

4. Refresh the cached list of stored procs below the Dynamic SQL SP Service using the K2 Broker Management Tool

5. Create a Smart Object that will execute the stored proc, remove all smart box methods, add a new one, use the Execute method and point to the

    newly created stored proc's execute method in the K2 Context Browser. All fields contained in the result data set from teh stored proc will be listed

    as properties within the Smart Object of data type Output.

    When the stored proc requires parameters...Add the parameter names for the SO method within the wizard, without the "@" sign as a prefix to the

    parameter name. Specify the stored proc for the execute method of the Smart Object. Click on Create All to map the input and output properties.

    Notice that the input property is marked with a post fix number in brackets, as a new input property is created in the Smart Object. Change this as

    would not have desired affects in InfoPath!!!  Click on the input property, click on Assign, change the Map To selection from Smart Object Property

    to Smart Object Method Parameter, specify the Smart Object Method Parameter Name in the drop down to the value created previously.

    Remove the input property indicated with a number in brackets from the Smart Object properties screen.

6. Deploy the Smart Object

7. In Visual Studio or InfoPath, add the new Execute method within the Smart Object Integration, refresh the InfoPath form

8. Open the nfoPath form, specify the data source of the desired drop down control to be the execute method just added

9. Using Form Rules, add a rule to execute the Smart Object in order to display the data in the drop down control for that view

Hi sagrys, i have followed till "Notice that the input property is marked with a post fix number in brackets, as a new input property is created in the Smart Object." this step. But i am not finding the value created previously in drop down. Can u please give me the detailed steps.
