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I am trying to generate the destination rule of an activity based on a data field. The field has the name of an AD group. When I execute the process the activity is dispatch to the AD group instead of at all the member of the group.

Does anyone have an idea of how I can go around this issue?

The activity can be dispatch to over 120 different group and I do not want to define them as queues, too much maintenance.


Hi Dominic,

The handling of AD Groups within K2 Studio needs some care before all will function as required. I have had the situation where a group must be parsed out into each user using custom code. This can be tricky as groups can be nested within AD. Best thing to do is to look at the generated code for the events/activities in question; you will almost certainly see your problem there. Look for assignments of groups to queues where users are expected and such like. Where you see a group assignment to a user you must extract the users by yourself :-(

In the end I wrote an Event that did this job for me and placed all the group users in a repeating XML structure within the process variables.

