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The Dynamic Assembly Service allows you to expose the static methods in a .NET assembly as service methods that can be consumed by SmartObjects. Classes become ServiceObjects and parameters to methods become service parameters. Except for a few constraints, any .NET static method can be exposed. No special coding is needed in the target assembly and the source code is not required to expose the assembly methods. Creating custom, reusable business logic that can be used anywhere you can use a Sma

Loading Assemblies That Reference Other Assemblies

If you're using the Dynamic Assembly Service to use assemblies that in turn reference other assemblies that are not in the GAC, you need to place those assemblies where the .NET loader can find them.  .NET will look in certain folders for your assemblies (documentation on MSDN).  Probably the easiest thing to do is place your assemblies (and the dynamic assembly DLL) in the HostServerin directory.  Why?  Because the executable that starts all other services is K2HostServer.exe and unless you specify otherwise, .NET will look in the same folder as the excutable for the running process.
Install MSI package using Admin account

When installing the Dynamic Assembly Service, make sure you run the .MSI file with an account that has admin rights on the machine and K2 admin rights.  If you don't have admin rights on the box, you will get MSI error 2869.


The functionality of this sample project will be incorporated into the Dynamic Endpoint Broker that will be included in blackpearl 4.6.5.
