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Hello again!


I have been trying to automate appointments based on some arbitry date. I am using the Excahnge Smart Object method Add new appointment and adding static values for the sake of issue resolution. I have added this as a single event in a process and deployed it to fire from a button on a smart form. When firing off the process I get a duplicate entry* in my calender.


*when I say I get a duplicate entry I don't, I get 2 entries at the same time, one is an appointment the other is a meeting request. I am assuming a meeting request is generated because the appointment already exists or vice versa and this is an exchange thing.


My setup is configured to use EWS.


I have started a ticket but we are all pretty perplexed by this as initially it semmed to be related to the number of NICs on a server, indeed K2 were able to recreate this issue by adding a NIC to thier lab machine, I then blew that theory by deploying to a server with only on NIC and then getting the same problem. To make sure it was carried accross in a package I deployed the process independantly to the one NIC server directly via studio.


I then created a console application that uses the EWS service object intiated with the same k2service account that has impersination rights to exhange, I used the impersination object inside my code to create the appointent with same criteria entered into the Exchange Smart Object wizard. I then ran this on the server with 2 NICs and the server with one NIC, both results were succesful in that only one appoointment was created.


I am concerned about getting into cross blame void so I am wondering if anyone out there has had somtheing similar or even has something to say about this?

My gut feeling is there is an issue with k2 rather than exchange but all opinions are welcome at this point, thanks for reading......

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