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Hi guys, I have encountered a strange behavior by Smartform. If I run the Skartform in the K2 Designer run mode, it works fine. It pulls value from the storedProcedure smartobject and shows in the dropdown control and also in autocomplete control. but the same form if I open from the workflow worklistitem , it shows blank and does not pull any values. Its strange. I am wondering what went wrong ? Please suggest how to overcome this strange behavior in workflow smartform which seems workign fine in the designer.

Do you make use of Form State?  As the state that you are running vs that state that is selected for a client event (when opening a worklist item) may have two different sets of rules (rules can be enabled/disabled per states also).

Also, throw a label control onto your form and on form load set it to the Current User FQN. That will help you troubleshoot if there is a configuration difference for authenitcation between designer and runtime sites.



Thank you for your support. I do use State in smartform and it seems something went wrong in the rules as per state. So, I deleted those states and create new ones and it worked fine now.  Its really hard to understand where it went wrong. So, creating a new state and define new rules on that state resolved the issue for now. Thanks.
