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I have a Drop-down for Customer Numbers from another List, when a Customer Number is sected I want it to populate another Text Box for the Customers Name.



On my SharePoint List I have a Lookup Column that pulls data from another List for Customers. It pulls in all the Customer Numbers into the drop-down, but I also set up the drop down so it shows an additional column for the Customers Name. Both the drop-down for the Customer Number and Customer Name are on the New and Edit forms.


When I open the New Form and select the Customer Number (on change), I want it to set the Customer Name text box as well. Currently it does not show the Customer Name until I save the record and check the list or open the Edit form.


My Customer list does have SmartObjects created for it, and set to be usable by all lists and subsites, but I am not sure how to lookup that data from the form.




Are you using a custom list or a contact list? Also, is customer number referring to an ID number, phone number, etc?


If you could add a little more detail about what you are trying to accomplish that would be helpful. I'm uncertain if you are using two lists here --> one for customer number and customer name. And if you are trying to reference customers names with numbers. 




--> AG

The Customer List is a Custom List. We have a service setup to sync the Customer Account Number and Names from our ERP software to a Sharepoint Custom List.


The customer number is not the built in Sharepoint ID Column or contact info, it is just the Customer Number from our ERP. For example, the Customer List has 2 columns and looks like this:

Cust_No       Cust_Name

00001           McDonalds

00002           Burger King

00003           Wendys

00004           Arbys


Take a look at the attached pictures in my first post. There is a drop-down list for the Customer #, next to it is a text box for the Customer Name. The drop down list pulls the list of Customer Numbers from the Customer List. I want to make it so when I select a Customer Number it populates the Customer Name text box with the customers name from the Customer List.



You will need to create a rule that says "When drop-down list is changed", "execute smartobject Get List Items method".  Under Input Mappings, set Customer Number and ID to their respective properties in your SmO, and under Output Mappings set Cust Name in your text box.

Thanks Jake, that is exactly what I needed. 


For anyone else that comes across this later, I added screenshots of what I did. It took me a few tries to find the right Input value. 

